
Uninstall skala color
Uninstall skala color

uninstall skala color

The Trial License Terms are also applicable to any usage of the Skala Color Software by you that is not covered under any other licenses you may have. If you have not purchased or otherwise rightfully obtained a Standard License or a Family Pack License for the Skala Color Software, the Trial License Terms (2.1) are applicable to your use of the Skala Color Software. The Company may, at its sole discretion, grant you a Trial License, a Standard License or a Family Pack License. “Updates” shall mean a modification, error correction, bug fix, new release, or other update to or for the Software. “Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean all intellectual property rights, including, without limitation, patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret.ĭ. “Documentation” shall mean the printed or online written reference material furnished to you in conjunction with the Software, including, without limitation, instructions, guidelines, and end user guides.Ĭ. “Software” shall mean the Skala Color software including any Updates thereto, in object and source form, and the media and Documentation provided by the Company to you and for which you are granted a license pursuant to this Agreement.ī. By explicitly accepting this License Agreement, or by installing, copying, downloading, accessing, or otherwise using the Software, you are acknowledging and agreeing to be bound by the following terms: 1.


if you do not agree to the terms of this License Agreement, then do not install or use the Software. All such software and materials are referred to herein as the “Software” or “the Skala Color Software”.

uninstall skala color

(“the Company”), which covers your use of the Skala Color software product that accompanies this Agreement and related software components, which may include associated media, printed materials, and “online” or electronic documentation. This is a legally enforceable agreement between you (“you” or “yours” and other grammatical equivalents) and Bjango Pty Ltd. Skala Color license agreement Notice to user #

Uninstall skala color